Wildflower Bank
A real challenge! This difficult site posed many difficulties, the client was seeking solution to the heavily sloped section of their garden and wanted something that would bring colour and texture to the space. Wildflower turf was the perfect solution, the bank was sprayed to kill off the perennial weed before a light addition of topsoil being added. The turf was laid and within 2 months the beautiful shades of red campion and ox eye daisy covered the bank.
Project Year: 2014
Project Cost: £7,501 - £10,000
Country: United Kingdom
Area: Bath

A very steep bank which the owners of this property were struggling to keep covered was the start for this project. Rain was rapidly washing away the soil, and a solution was needed quickly.

Green & Gorgeous suggested Wildflower Turf. A fabulous product that we have learned has great benefits in stabilisation of banks such as this.

The turf now laid, it's just a case of waiting for the 34 species of native wild flowers and grasses to do their thing. The way Wildflower Turf is grown means the roots can start working their way into the soil straight away, helping to hold the bank together.

Less than 8 weeks later (no really!), this was the result. Not only a practical solution, but a beautiful one too.