Georgian Terraced Garden
This Georgian gem had been allowed to go into ruin by a series of previous owners with poorly maintained disjointed landscaping. The garden was riddled with wild ginger, brambles and bindweed. The heavily sloping space was certainly not without its challenges.
Green and Gorgeous worked through a complex design process fitting together all of the pieces and requirements of the clients working out the practical possibilities of construction with difficult access.
The final scheme incorporates a unique mix of open paved entertaining and lawn spaces contrasting with feature terrace walls and rich banks of planting. A stone base greenhouse set within a vegetable garden makes a striking feature at the top of the lawn with a pergola and reclaimed water feature completing the look. Existing original features were retained and renovated with all the new elements designed to work with the Georgina architecture.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Mature trees provided wonderful structure and height to the panting but brought some unique challenges for the landscaping team. The water feature space sits amongst this serene leafy backdrop.

Georgian Terrace Gaden
Seville clay pavers contrast with the reclaimed sandstone paving adding texture and interest to the upper terrace.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Upper terrace creates generous entertaining space. Natural stone walling retains the banks on each side with mixed materials adding contrast and interest.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Lush ferns and woodland edge planting make the most of the dappled light beneath the existing trees.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Herring bone Seville clay pavers lead across the terrace connecting the main garden gate to traditional steps on each side leading to the lower lawn level.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Traditional reclaimed water feature sits at the head of the terrace with gravel and stepping stones surrounding. Water feature had to be carefully constructed and modified on site to fulfil the clients requirements.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Traditional Rose and perennial planting contrast with highly textured grasses with a dense back drop of shrub and tree planting.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Bespoke wall side pergola was built on site with paving lifted from elsewhere on site cleaned and repurposed to create an evening seating space catching the last of the sun.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Curved self binding aggregate pathways with metal edging connect the different areas of the garden.

Georgian Terrace Garden
The pergola space at the bottom of the lawn takes in views across the sweeping lawn and surrounding planting.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Pleached crab apples define the vegetable garden area with perennial and herb planting picking up the upper curve of the lawn.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Central path way leads out between the pleached trees aligning with the pergola on the far side.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Perennial planting runs alongside the sett edge of the vegetable garden with orchard trees extending around the space.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Green and Gorgeous built the beautiful detailed stone base of the bespoke built greenhouse. Specialist cut Cotswold stone quoins contrast with the textured coursed stone alongside.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Soft shade planting extends along the rear of the house with Acers adding beautiful structure and colour.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Stone walling and pier caps bring continuity across the space including features such as the greenhouse and terracing.

Georgian Terrace Garden
The central feature of the scheme is the terraced walls with the ramped lower wall to allow for easy access without the need for additional steps.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Secondary terrace steps provide easy access t the vegetable garden and greenhouse. Steps built to match the existing original steps with end retaining wall renovated and rebuilt.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Gravel garden panting adds softness around the edge of the terrace.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Terraces allowed the previously undulating lawn to be levelled whilst also perfectly resolving the difficult bank space.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Reclaimed sandstone was selected and laid in accordance with the request of the heritage planning team.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Cotswold stone terraces were laid with precision and care to be sensitive to the traditional architecture.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Seville clay pavers create a landing space at the bottom of the main steps.

Georgian Terrace Garden
Planting bring year round interest with colour and texture throughout the year.

Georgian Terrace Garden - Before Photo
The terrace area was dull and uninspiring having been left to its own devices for many years.

Georgian Terrace Garden - Before Photo
The sloping lawn and banks of the existing garden were not what the client was looking for. A new idea that maximised on the space was born.

Georgian Terrace Garden - Before Photo
Prior to works starting the garden was very overgrown with bindweed, wild ginger and brambles rampantly dominating the space.