Prarie-Style Planting Design
Inspired by a visit to a local garden the client requested a full prairie style planting design with height and texture to bring form and structure around the generous existing decking.
Grasses and perennial planting bring year round interest whilst the sawn sandstone plank paving creates not only an access through the planting but an opportunity to become immersed in the colours and textures.
Project Year: 2017
Project Cost: £5,001 - £7,500
Country: United Kingdom
Sweeping beds wrapping around the decking, height in the planting allows the beds to be enjoyed form inside or outside.
Striking colours contrast through the beds whilst grasses bring texture and movement. Clouds of Verbena flowers add height in late season.
Sawn Sandstone plank paving creates an access across the planting space. Festuca and Thyme grow between the paving.
Clumps of Rudbeckia fill sections of the beds with a backdrop of structural planting.
The driveway space is edged with Corten metal edging. Soft textures of Stipa and Calamagrostis contrast with structural Euphorbia and Buxus.
The mix of planting provides the prarie-style that the client had loved so much. A riot of colour and texture that looks absolutely incredible.