A Home in the Garden
A beautiful countryside location, described as sitting within a bowl of light by the way the sunlight reflects back in from the surrounding hillsides.
The clients were looking to breathe new life into the space bringing focus to the already installed rotating summer house. Generous open paving spaces with linking pathways create easy access throughout the space. Multiple patios and terraces provide options for dining, entertaining and relaxation. Mixed materials bring a transitional style to the space with modern sawn plank paving surrounding the summer house to traditional sandstone paving and setts in the housed terrace.
Project Year: 2020
Project Cost: £25,001 - £50,000
Sandstone paving is used with sandstone setts in a contrasting colour to add detail to the space
The setts transition into a full sett pathway leading down the garden.
The archway allows for the growing of climbing plants to soften the view create an additional feature.
The existing summerhouse was incorporated with new paving sitting around it.
Sleeper raised beds provide a kitchen garden area
The view from the summerhouse patio
The finished garden sits beautifully within the surrounding landscape