formality & texture
Prior to work commencing the garden consisted of a boggy lawn, a single large bed along with a formal pool. The pool led to new ideas, the client wanted to create a formal scheme based around a series of Sandstone pathways framing rich textured planting with structure from Roses, Grasses adding softness and massed perennials bring a carnival of colour.
Seating spaces nestle amongst the planting alongside the pool and a colonnade is stands above the clouds of flower spires creating a final focal point.
Project Year: 2018
Project Cost: £10,001 - £25,000
Country: United Kingdom

The view down the central sandstone pathway, framed either side by spectacular late summer blooms and soft textured grasses. A colonnade stands tall above the planting forming a focal point.

Sandstone Paving with contrasting Sandstone Sett detailing draws the eye down through the planting.

Clouds of Verbena flowers stand tall above the roses and soft perennial planting, a weeping willow catches the late summer sun turning golden in readiness for autumn.

At the end of the pathway the paving opens up to a small seating terrace, sat alongside the linear pool and fountain creating a complete sense of tranquility.

Planting steels the show, from the deep red stems of Panicum Shenandoah to rising tufts of Astrantia, Geraniums scramble through the structure of the roses and Nepeta tumbles across the pathway.

Looking across the wispy seed heads of Stipa tenuisima to the pond and bog garden planting. Autumn colours create wonderful contrast.

The contrast between the orchard space on the far side of the pool and the rich planting of the formal space creates an interesting juxtaposition of styles.

Looking directly down the entrance steps to the garden following the finish of the initial landscaping prior to planting and construction of the colonnade.

Following the initial landscaping work a series of formal rectangular beds were framed with natural sandstone paving.