Large Cascading Ponds
Two lakes connected with a constant flow from the watercourse running through the garden had become overgrown and left in a poor state. The idea was to create a feature from this constant water flow maximising its effect. A series of cascading pools constructed from natural stone brought structure adding a big impact to the sparse bank between the lakes. The project was later planted with willow and cornus adding colour throughout the season.
Project Year: 2013
Project Cost: £10,001 - £25,000
Country: United Kingdom

This garden had two beautiful mature lakes, with a large drop between them. The overflow between the two was a simple piece of plastic pipe. What a wasted opportunity! We just had to get involved ….

The Green & Gorgeous team began work on a series of 3 raised ‘ponds’ to take the overflow from the top lake and cascade it down to the bottom lake. A very simple idea, but quite a complex build!

Natural stone is used to face the concrete block structures and make these ponds a thing of beauty in their own right. Pieces of slate are used as waterfall blades between each level.

The finished ponds as seen from the bottom lake. Soil banked up around the structure beds it into the bank and the loose stone at the bottom prevents rapid erosion of the bank.

Seen from the house, the ponds are flanked by Italian pencil cypress trees and already start to look like they’ve always been there!

Mixed willows are used to plant the bank for winter colour, with prostrate juniper used at the top of the bank. A project we are all really proud of.