Traditional Formal Garden
A beautiful traditional garden that was in need of renovation. New pathways laid as per the original design of the space and an additional sun terrace added to maximise the stunning views across the valley. Traditional materials and local stone retained the classical styles whilst perennial planting brings colour and texture to the surrounding spaces.
Project Year: 2016
Project Cost: £10,001 - £25,000
Country: United Kingdom
Postcode: BA4
Original pathways were relaid with Fossil Mint Sandstone paving. Perennial planting beds have undergone extensive restoration
Fossil Mint Sandstone
Perennial planting tumbles over the newly laid slabs softening the edges.
Terrace rises on the level as the ground falls away below.
Stachys add texture to the terrace planting
Contrasting shades bring a carnival of colour, grasses add texture.
Random stone walling retains the terrace encapsulating the surrounding bed.
Perennial planting surrounds the terrace, tall flower spires framing the views across the valley

Running alongside the raised croquet lawn the pathway leads out into the paddock beyond.
The main border is looking fabulous this year!
Details like this really make us smile …..