Modern Terraced Courtyard
A new build garden on a steep gradient, previously an uninspiring combination of unusable sloped lawn and small patio space. Green and Gorgeous designed this space on a specific budget to bring a new new generous patio with sleeper raised beds dividing and terracing the space. The surrounding space planted to develop into rich banks of foliage and flower over time. Materials include sleeper walling, limestone paving and sandstone setts.
Project Year: 2021
Project Cost: GBP 10,001 - GBP 25,000
Location: Bath

Terraced beds run down the previously sloped space, leading to a generous central Limestone patio

Steps lead down from the existing paving in two places, giving a feeling of generosity of space. Sandstone setts add texture to the step treads with raised sleeper walls and terraces to each side.

The sett detailing within the steps lifts the space still further by adding additional textural interest

Smooth mixed size Limestone paving contrasts beautifully with the wood of the sleeper terraces. Planting will continue to soften the space as it develops.